8 Essential Backbone.js Interview Questions *

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Interview Questions


What are some alternatives to Backbone.js’s dependencies?

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Backbone.js has only one hard dependency: Underscore.js. However, you often need to include jQuery and json2.js to support certain features. 有时可以使用Lo-Dash和Zepto(两种轻量级的Underscore替代品).js and jQuery) when it comes to using Backbone.js.



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使用“listenTo()”而不是使用“on()”有两个优点. Typically, the way they are used is a bit different:

listener.listenTo(object, event, callback)
object.on(event, callback)

使用" listenTo() ",您想要侦听其事件的对象将作为第一个参数传递. 在“on()”的情况下,它实际上是该对象的一个方法.

The advantages of “listenTo()” over “on()” are:

  • The listener keeps track of all the event handlers, making it easier to remove them all at once when needed.
  • 回调的上下文总是设置为侦听器本身.

How do you sort a collection? 在集合上显式调用“sort()”什么时候很重要?

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With Backbone.在Js中,可以通过在集合对象上定义比较器对集合进行排序. By default, collections are not explicitly sorted. By defining a comparator, 每当添加模型或在集合上调用" sort() "方法时,都会对集合进行排序:

var Fruits = Backbone.Collection.extend({
	comparator: function(a, b) { /* .. */ }
// Or
var Fruits = Backbone.Collection.extend({})
var fruits = new Fruits()
fruits.comparator = function(a, b) { /* .. */ }

comparator属性可以是具有一个参数(类似于“sortBy”中使用的参数)或两个参数(类似于“sort”中使用的参数)的函数。, or a string identifying the attribute by name to sort on.

当集合中模型的属性发生变化时,集合不会对自己进行排序. 在这种情况下,必须显式调用sort来更新集合中模型的顺序.

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What function would you change to override Backbone.js’s default support for REST APIs?

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为了覆盖每个模型的默认行为,您可以设置一个自定义函数为“Model”.sync”. 要使更改全局,可以将自定义函数设置为“Backbone”.sync”. 理想情况下,“sync”函数应该处理四个方法:“创建”、“读取”、“更新”和“删除”。. The function receives the CRUD method name, the model itself, and an object with some additional options. Sometimes setting “Backbone.emulateJSON” to true can often do the job, 在这种情况下,你所需要做的就是提交请求为" application/x-www-form-urlencoded "而不是" application/json ".



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每当模型中的一些数据发生变化时,模型对象就会触发“change”事件. However, 对象触发另一个事件,其名称特定于已更改的属性:" change:[attribute] ". For example:

var Fruit = Backbone.Model.extend({})
var fruit = new Fruit({
	weight: 3.25
fruit.on(‘change:weight, function() {
	//事件" change:weight "将在水果的weight属性发生变化时触发.

你如何定义一个模型,当你试图获取或保存使用URL“/api/records/{timestamp}”? 其中“{timestamp}”是自epoch以来经过的秒数.

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模型的url通过设置“url”属性来定义. The attribute can be set as a string or a function. 我们可以设置一个函数来返回一个满足URL模式的字符串:

var Record = Backbone.Model.extend({
	url: function() {
		return ‘/api/records/’+Math.round(new Date().getTime()/1000)



为什么不建议直接更改视图的“el”属性? How should it be done instead?

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试图改变“el”属性可能会导致Backbone视图中的行为不一致. 这是因为直接更改“el”属性不会自动更新与之对应的缓存jQuery对象属性, which is “$el”. 正确的方法是在视图上使用" setElement() ":



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模型上的“id”属性是根据模型属性散列中设置的“id”自动分配的. 理想情况下,这是您从正在查询的资源的其他API接收到的ID. On the other hand, “cid”是临时分配给每个模型的ID,在确定对象的实际ID之前是有用的. For example, 推送到尚未持久化的集合的模型可以使用“cid”来处理。, 直到它被保存在数据库中,并为它生成一个实际的ID.

面试不仅仅是棘手的技术问题, so these are intended merely as a guide. 并不是每一个值得雇佣的“A”候选人都能回答所有的问题, nor does answering them all guarantee an “A” candidate. At the end of the day, hiring remains an art, a science — and a lot of work.

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Freelance Backbone.js Developer

CroatiaToptal Member Since February 20, 2013

Tomislav is a software engineer, technical consultant, 解决方案架构师最初是一家在线媒体公司的技术合作伙伴, growing it from zero to over 100,000 monthly readers. After years in software engineering, 他现在通过咨询和架构动态提供技术领导, reliable, 以及可扩展的云解决方案,以支持业务增长和优化出现问题的复杂架构. 作为基础设施的领导者,Tomislav使云成为一个友好的地方.

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